About Us
- A movement by all citizens regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality and social class to step up in positively impacting the fortunes of our country by being devoted to it, its people and its reputation.
- A spirit of servanthood, engulfed by selflessness, commitment, devotion, being accountable, being dependable and staying the course.
- Living with integrity and making a concerted effort to be peaceful and loving citizens, whether at home, at work or at play by dedicating ourselves to being the best we can be wherever we are.
- An urgent need for men and women who will not abuse their power and not take the influence they have in their families, communities, profession, business, politics and religion lightly by being devoted leaders.
- A refusal to maintain the status quo and non-acceptance of unethical leadership, poverty, high unemployment rate, drug abuse, crime, gender based violence, corruption and all societal ills the country is confronted with. We refuse what we are not, to become who we want to be.
- Leaving a legacy for generations to come by raising an army of Devoted Citizens that will make a conscious decision to build South Africa against all odds.
- Treating all people and precious, worthy and valuable.